There are a number of different closed statuses available.
Closed Worksheet Ineligible: Vehicle does not meet CAMVAP eligibility requirements
Closed Claim Form Not Returned: The consumer did not return claim form within the 60 day deadline
Closed Claim Ineligible: Consumer's claim does not meet CAMVAP eligibility requirements
Closed Arbitrated: An arbitrator has made a decision on the claim which is binding for the consumer and manufacturer
Closed Ineligible: An arbitrator or PA has deemed that case is not eligible
Closed Settled: A consumer has accepted a settlement from the manufacturer at/after the arbitration hearing
Closed Withdrawn: This can happen at any point in time, whereby the consumer removes their interest in proceeding with the claim
Closed Conciliated: A consumer has accepted a settlement from the manufacturer and the claim form has been processed by the manufacturer before the arbitration hearing
Each of them follow the same process in the system.
The claim will be removed from your dashboard. In the event you need to find the claim again for details and or re-opening the case use the search function.