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Vehicle Models

As an administrator it is important to add in new vehicle models and remove older ones that are no longer valid in the program.

This information is verified with the VIN service.

NOTE: You will be responsible for updating the vehicle type, as that information is not acquired from the VIN service.

Create a New Vehicle Model

To create a new manufacturer select Create a new Vehicle Model and a form will pop up.


Input Information

Using the collection form, you will insert the name, address and contact information for the manufacturer.

  • Type in the Name of the vehicle

Vehicle Model

  • Under Vehicle Type use the pull down menu to select whether the vehicle is car, minivan, sport utility or light truck


  • Under Manufacturer use the pull down menu to select the manufacturer the vehicle belongs to. If a manufacturer is missing you can add them using these instructions.


  • Select the save button

Edit or Delete a Vehicle Model


When it is you need to view or additional contact information is required and/or needs to be updated, select the view/edit button on the main vehicle model screen. Follow the above mentioned directions for inputting information in order to make any changes. Edit


In some cases you will need to delete a vehicle model. Use the delete button on the main vehicle model screen. You will be asked to confirm the operation. Delete

maintenance_vehicle_models.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/05 22:10 (external edit)