====== Technical Inspection Review Complete ====== Once a technical inspection is complete and all documents and responses have been provided the arbitrator will be responsible for reviewing all the information and making a decision. There is a expected timeframe of 14 days to make a decision. As the arbitrator you are able to review the inspection information using the following buttons: * Technical Inspections {{:technical_inspections_button.png|}} * Technical Inspection Review Complete {{::technical_inspection_review_complete.png|}} However, you are __**only**__ able to indicate the review is done by using the Technical Inspection Review Complete button. You are able to access each of the documents provided by selecting the blue text. The report/document(s) will be downloaded for your review. {{::technical_inspection_documents.png|}} ==== Next Status ==== The claim returns to the status it was in prior to the technical inspection request. When the claim has had an eligibility/arbitration/award decision made prior to the inspection, but as the arbitrator, you need to submit a new decision. Inform the PA, they will push the status back to awaiting [[eligibility hearing scheduled|eligibility]], [[arbitration hearing scheduled|arbitration]], [[award hearing scheduled|award]] decision. This will enable you to upload an additional decision or update the old decision. The PA will then remove the old decision from the system. ====== Technical Inspection Review Overdue===== This is not so much as a decision, but that the arbitrator must view the report and comments if available from the consumer and manufacturer. Making the PA aware that they have this completed within __**10**__ days of **Technical Inspection Review Complete**. ==== Letter(s) ==== * An automated letter will be sent to the arbitrator reminding them that they must confirm that they have reviewed the technical inspection documents and forward their award.