====== Training Tool ====== * [[Training Tool]] ====== Initial ====== * [[Administration]] * [[Account]] * [[Qualification Worksheet|Worksheet Submission]] ====== Role ====== Select your role and you will be taken to an introductory page that will walk you through your dashboard and the processes you are responsible for. * [[Administrator]] * [[Provincial Administrator]] * [[Manufacturer]] * [[Arbitrator]] * [[Consumer]] * [[Arbitration Specialist]] ====== Ribbon ====== The administrative staff of CAMVAP has access to all of these features. However, PAs have access to letters and start a new claim. * [[Letters|Letters]] * [[Qualification Worksheet|Start New Claim]] * [[Reports|Reports]] * [[Decisions|Decisions]] ====== Maintenance ====== Maintenance screens are mainly available for the administrative staff of CAMVAP. PAs do have access to a version of hearing venues. * [[Maintenance Arbitrators|Arbitrators]] * [[Maintenance Manufacturers|Manufacturers]] * [[Maintenance Provincial Administrators|Provincial Administrators]] * [[Maintenance Letter Templates|Letter Templates]] * [[Maintenance Static Attachments|Static Attachments]] * [[Maintenance Hearing Venues|Hearing Venues]] * [[Maintenance Technical Inspectors|Technical Inspectors]] * [[Maintenance Users and Roles|Users & Roles]] * [[Maintenance Workflow|Workflow]] * [[Maintenance Statuses|Statuses]] * [[Maintenance Holidays|Holidays]] * [[Maintenance WMIs|WMIs]] * [[Maintenance Vehicle Models|Vehicle Models]]