====== Dashboard Administrator ====== Each dashboard is specific to the user. On your dashboard as an administrator you have the ability to see everyone's claims. You have the ability to drill down based on region and PA. When you do that, the information provided will be based on those details. * Select a region {{::admin_dashboard_region.png|Region}} * Select a PA. If there is no PA for a region that drop down menu will disappear {{::admin_dashboard_pa.png|}} Using those drill down menus, it will show the claims connected to them. There are 3 major states: * **Needs Attention** are claims that are waiting for review and/or input * **Coming Soon** are claims that are waiting for another user to provide their review and/or input before anything else can be done with it * **All Open** all open claims the PA is responsible for regardless of their status The dashboard is static. If you are not using the application, a best practice is to refresh your screen [F5] periodically to view any changes. * Select the circle colour you are interested in: {{:dashboard_colour.png|Dashboard}} * Below a tabular view will show the claims based on the state you have selected {{:pa_all.png|}} ====== Claim Information ====== ===== Claim ===== When selecting the claim number you will see the consumers: * Worksheet if the status is before [[Claim Form Requested]] * Claim Form if the status is [[Claim Form PA Review]] and after ===== Consumer ===== When selecting a consumers name, you will be taken to your email and the consumers email will be auto populated. These emails will not be collected or tracked in the application. ===== Status ===== This shows the current [[Status|statuses]] the claim is in. If the button is blue, it means action can be executed by selecting it. That action will depend on the status itself. ===== Event ===== This shows upcoming [[Status|events]] and when they are either scheduled for or they are due by. {{::pa_upcoming_event.png|}} If an event is blue. You can select the hyperlink text for additional details. {{::upcoming_event.png|}} The next screen will show you details of hearing or inspection. This information will be what is being done, date & time, address or teleconference details. If the hearing is being held in a different time zone and __**ONLY** __ if it is being held in a different time zone will it show up here. {{::event_details.png|}} ===== Manufacturer ===== When selecting a manufacturer, you will be taken to a summary screen with information about the manufacturer. Sometimes some information will be underlined in blue. When selected, you will be taken to your email and the manufacturers email will auto populate. These emails will not be collected or tracked in the application. {{:pa_manufacturer_summary.png|Manufacturer Summary}} ===== View Status History ===== To view the different [[Status|statuses]] the claim has been through select the history button {{::pa_history.png|History}}. {{::pa_claim_status_history.png|}} ===== Send a Letter ===== To send an individual a letter select the letter button {{::pa_letter.png|Letter}}. Proceed to [[Letters]] to create a manual letter. As a administrator you have the ability to create and define new [[Maintenance Letter Templates|communication]]. ===== Technical Inspections ===== To view the completed technical inspection date and time, report and responses select the inspection button{{::pa_ti.png|Technical Inspection}}. To submit a inspection response on behalf of the consumer [[Inspection Response]]. ===== Colour Coding ===== When a claim is a light **red** in the table it means something needs to be done with it. When a claim is a light **yellow** it means you are waiting for another user to do something with it. When there is no colour then it is open but there is no action required. {{::pa_colours.png|}}