====== Award Review Required ====== A consumer or manufacturer has informed a PA that the arbitration decision has not be handled to their satisfaction. As an arbitrator you will receive a notification on your dashboard indicating you must review an award. {{::arbitrator_top.png|}} {{::arbitrator_award_hearing.png|}} * Select **Award Review Required** * Details for the review request are made available {{::award_review_request_summary.png|}} ===== Submit Clarification ===== If you have a response to the reason for review available: * Select **Submit Clarification** * Upload a document and save {{::award_decision_documents.png|}} ==== Next Status ==== The claim will move to **Award Clarification PA Review**, whereby the provincial administrator will review your responses. ===== Request Hearing ===== If you believe another hearing is warranted at this time: * Select **Request Hearing** ==== Next Status ==== The claim will move to **Award Hearing Required**, whereby the provincial administrator will schedule another hearing.