====== Award Clarification PA Review ====== Now that the arbitrator has provided a clarification of the award. The PA must review them and make a decision on how to proceed. {{::pa_top_award.png|}} {{::award_clarification_pa_review_button.png|}} * Select **Award Clarification PA Review** * Summary page will display * Select the **Award Clarification** in blue to review the document the arbitrator is sharing * Document will be downloaded on the bottom left handside of the website {{::award_clarification.png|}} There are number of options for handling the claim from this stage, select the appropriate one. {{::change_status_award_clarification.png|}} * [[Award Review Required]]: If a review of the award is required [Award Hearing Required|required], the PA will push the claim to **Award Review Required** * A [[Letters|manual letter]] should be sent to the arbitrator requesting a review of the award. * [[Closed|Closed Arbitrated]]: An arbitrator has made a clarification of the original award which is binding on the consumer and manufacturer. * The arbitrator's clarification and a [[Letters|manual letter]] should be sent to the consumer and manufacturer. * [[Closed|Closed Settled]]: If the consumer has accepted a settlement from the manufacturer at or after the arbitration hearing. * the terms of the settlement along with a [[Letters|manual letter]] should be sent to consumer, manufacturer and arbitrator. * [[Closed|Closed Withdrawn]]: The consumer has decided they would no longer like to proceed with the claim. * A [[Letters|manual letter]] should be sent to consumer, manufacturer and arbitrator. Provide additional notes as you see fit and save the status change. Please keep in mind all parties can see your notes. {{::status_notes.png|Status Notes}} NOTE: Once the status change has been made it cannot be altered.